Day 48. Peru

84 miles 1,296 feet

I'm making steady progress toward the east as this map shows. There are more rolling hills and trees in Indiana but it is still generally flatter than most of the trip.

This is my last day biking with Jacob who heads southeast tomorrow toward Pittsburgh while I veer north toward Cleveland. He's a great guy and great biking companion. We had a great, relatively cool ride with a few near miss detours from flooding that didn't affect our route.

The highlight of the day was the Nickel Plate Trail that took us south toward our motel in Peru. It is beautifully surfaced, a green tunnel of cool after sun on roads, and we largely had it to ourselves for the 10 miles we were on it. This movie shows what it is like.

Our motel is off route by ~9 miles but it was the best option for a place to stay. We lost an hour switching to Eastern Time, and had to buy groceries for dinner, so it was a late arrival.

Peru is home to Circus City and the Circus Museum, which we passed but did not have time to view.

Tomorrow I regain the route and head further east to within 40 miles of Ohio.

Now to bed!
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Far cry from yesterday's lunch.

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Scenes on the Nickel Plate Trail.

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Circus Museum in Peru.

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