Day 50. OHIO Defiance

86 miles 955 feet

It was a beautiful morning and a hot afternoon as I entered Ohio. Though adjacent, Indiana and Ohio are very different in their acceptance of wind and solar. This was on striking display as I biked north on Stateline Road: On the right was Ohio with dozens of wind turbines spinning in the wind. On the left was Indiana with none, but lots of yard signs stating "No Industrial Solar No Wind Turbines" These differences are in 2 states with the same crops, same weather and same rural lifestyle. Why the difference? I don't know but it is dramatic. (web research shows the there is spotty distribution of wind turbines in both states.)

I passed an enormous corn herbicide sprayer. It looks almost like a science fiction insect. Click here for a clip.

I passed through Payne Ohio and took lots of selfies. I don't know of any family link to the Payne for which the town was named. It's somehow reassuring to see a patrol car marked "Payne Police." You never know when you'll need your own police force.

As I approached Defiance Ohio the route followed the river, likely prone to flooding, and so the houses were in less desirable locations, They were not in good shape and were surrounded by junkyards.

With an intermittent tailwind I made good time and have made reservations for the next few days, beyond Cleveland. I'm estimating a little over 70 miles per day which may be more difficult with suburban and some urban biking. We'll see.
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Church repurposed for real estate sales.

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Yard signs and context in Indiana.

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Across the road in Ohio wind turbines are everywhere.

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On the right: Ohio, loaded with wind turbines. On the left, Indiana with none. In the middle: Stateline Road
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